Saturday, September 22, 2007

What's New with MPFO

We have started the countdown to our pageant on October 21st! We are taking applications now. We have several Miss contestants but our teen numbers are low at this point. If you would like more information on competing in our pageant please contact Jan Mitchell at Or if you have any advice on where to find new contestants please let us know.

Every weekend we are having some form of training to help the new girls learn about the system in order to have them better prepared for the pageant. Contact Jan for details.

We have now posted our September newsletter on our website - click here to view

Our newsletters have updates on what's coming up for those who are interested in learning more about our organization and attending our events. There is a place to sign up on this blog.

The forms on our website have all been updated - click here to review forms To sign up to compete please fill out the application and send to Jan Mitchell - the address and info is on the application form.

Cassidy Arend, Miss Plano, is our co-producer and creator of our theme for this year's competition. She has an amazing gift for this type of job! We love the James Bond theme she has created and can't wait to see the completed show! We hope everyone will come and attend!

Build Your Own Scholarship: we offer a chance for contestants to earn scholarship dollars through ad sales each year. For every ad they sell 50% of the money earned will go back to the contestant in cash. The other 50% we will use to help run the show and pay for the program book printing, etc. Because we are doing a large program book we need to have the deadline for artwork at October 6th. If you are interested in competing and want a chance to sell ads and have your photo in the program please contact us ASAP so we can get all of the paperwork to you. For more information please contact

We will keep posting updates on our blog as we have more information to share! : )