I am happy to say that my first appearance as Miss Teen Frisco was awesome! I was invited to sing the national anthem at the Light the Night Walk in Frisco , Texas , at the beautiful Dr. Pepper Ballpark. This walk is a fundraiser for The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society that raises funds for people with Lymphoma and Leukemia. It is very close to my heart because I have had two family friends diagnosed with these cancers. Every year, my family and friends have participated in this fundraiser and this year, I was lucky enough to not only participate, but to also begin the festivities by singing the National Anthem.

There were so many people! I got to visit and play with the children at the "Kidz Zone" area of the park. There were crafts and games everywhere! One thing I love about being a titleholder is being able to visit with these children and having them think you are the coolest thing in the world because you have a crown on your head. They always say "Look! It's a princess!" And sometimes I forget that I have a crown on and want to turn around and say, "A princess? Where?!" They were so sweet and ENERGETIC! It is hard to keep up with them in heels!It was a wonderul day, and a beautiful night with all of the lit balloons. I am so glad I got to share this experience with you.

Until next time!