Saturday, March 15, 2008

Calling all dresses!! (And we don't mean as wardrobe for our girls!)

Calling all Dresses for Caitlin’s Closet. Really, we mean it – but let us explain a little further. Each year Miss Texas holds a "Spring Meeting". During the meeting each contestant signs up for a specific spot for the Miss Texas competition. This placement determines in what order and on which day a girl will compete in swimsuit/fitness, talent, interview and evening gown. Placement, in essence, is determined by the number drawn. If your number is called last, well – you just may have to be the first one on stage when you really wanted to be the last one on stage.
This year the Miss Texas officials are doing placement drawing a little bit different. The current reigning Outstanding Teen America Caitlin Brunell founded an organization called Caitlin’s Closet in 2006. Its purpose is to help young women who would love to attend school functions but many times find it difficult because of financial restraints. (Visit Caitlin’s website for more info As a result to Caitlin’s endeavor, the Miss Texas organization has decided to have the current local title holders collect donations to Caitlin’s closet. And the number of donations each brings to the spring meeting on April 4th will determine when they get to pick their placement at Miss Texas competition.
So we are collecting outfits to help our girls pick their placement. The donations can be Prom/evening dresses, cocktail dresses, dressy pant suits, in good condition. Each item will be worth points: sizes 0-10 worth 3 points, and 12-larger worth 6 points. If you have any donations to help out our girls email us at and we will arrange to pick up the garments from you. We would like to have all donations by March 30th.