On Christmas Eve morning, I met several of the other Houston area queens to serve Christmas dinner at the George R. Brown. Dinner was served to over twenty-five thousand people at the 29th Annual City Wide Club Christmas Eve Feast. The purpose of the super feast is to not only provide hot meals. The guests also received utility assistance, senior services, and clothing and food baskets, and for the kids, toys! One of the great things about joining in this feast is getting to meet a lot of people who care about others. There were almost 15,000 volunteers that helped to accomplish this event. There were people who had to cook all the food, people who got there even earlier to set up the tables and chairs and the stage and all the volunteers who came to help serve the food or carry trays. It was a great experience and reminded us all of the reason for the season. This is an event I have had the privilege of participating in for the past four years and I plan to participate for many years to come.
The day began kind of early because we had to meet before 8:00 to be ready to sign pictures for the kids as they waited in line. We spent from 8:00 to 10:00 meeting the children an

d their parents, autographing pictures for them and getting to know a little bit about them. Of course, we had to stop and take a picture with some of them. Since there were eight of us queens, we split up into groups of two or three so that we could get to see more people. I spent a lot of time with Miss Houston, Rachel Garrett and Miss Teen Houston, Ali York. I did get to spend some time with my little sister from last year, Miss Teen Texas, Callie Thompson. After we finished signing pictures, we had to get prepared to serve the meal. This is always my favorite part! To make sure that we kept the City of Houston Health Department happy, we all had to put on hair nets, little white gowns and plastic gloves. This is always the fun par t because we have to put our crowns on over the hair nets. It makes us look so “cute” too. We all managed to get dressed and even had time to take a picture with a Veteran. Once we were all redressed and ready to go, we were assigned stations to serve the food. It was exciting to greet all the people coming through our line and watching the smiles coming across the faces of the families as they told us what type of food they wanted. The servers, the tray carriers and the families all got to share the joy of what Christmas is all about .
~Adrianna Nelson, Miss Plano 2008