I remember three years ago on October 16th, 2004, I competed for the first time at the Teen Plano/Frisco pageant. I had no idea what I was doing yet I felt more confident than a 12 year old girl would have at that young of age competing in her first pageant. I owe this to Jan Mitchell, the first person related to the Miss America system that I ever met, and her absolutely wonderful board. I had confronted Jan about competing and she wholeheartedly supported me, even though I was this very timid and very young girl. She encouraged me after I did not win her pageant to keep trying. And I did. I have been trying and working for three years now, and finally on the fourth try, I have won the Miss Teen Frisco title.
I am still in awe. I do not think that my heart has ever beaten so fast! At first I did not even think they said my name. I stood on stage for what seemed like an hour wondering whether or not to step forward. After that VERY long moment, I realized I had won. When I stepped forward and bent my shaky knees to be crowned (which burns so badly, by the way!), I knew that this was going to be the beginning of a wonderful, exciting year with a great group of people.
I am also looking forward to working with the directors and getting to know my "sister" titleholders better.
Taylor, you are hilarious! I am looking forward to some pretty interesting and fun sleepovers with you and please bring Boomer, your beagle, and he can bond with my beagle, Nippy!
Brooks, my new miss, you are such a sweet, talented, and beautiful young woman who I have looked up to ever since I met you at the 2005 Plano/Frisco pageant workshop. You were so helpful and encouraging. It is so ironic that you are my miss because you went to Hockaday and I attend Ursuline. For those of you who do not know, Ursuline and Hockaday are rivals! Go BEARS :] !
Brittany, I cannot wait to get to know you better! You are truly a genuine and beautiful person who has always welcomed me with open arms of support and advice.
And Adrianna. I am thrilled to have the opportunity to get to know you better. You seem like such a wonderful young lady who is gorgeous, talented, and very intelligent.
I cannot wait to make so many memories with all of you. You are all extremely gifted young women.
And lastly, I have to say that I am exhilarated to finally be able to represent my hometown area. I cannot wait to begin my year representing Frisco and training for the Miss Teen Texas pageant in July. We have a great group of girls, and some of the nicest, most supportive, and most genuine board of directors that I cannot wait to spend the year with.
Love always,
(Photo of Lea & Erin Hunt, Miss Teen Frisco 2007, 1st Runner Up to Miss Teen Texas)