With hands clinched and a hope in my heart I stood anxiously on stage as Shilah Phillips announced 2nd runner up... 1st runner up... and your new Miss North Texas is contestant number 18 Brittany Forrester!!!! Just to hear my name overwhelmed me with such an excitement for the great honor and opportunity I had just received. I’m excited to now be a part of an organization who has already in the few days I had been there for the pageant shown such a caring demeanor and a sincere concern toward me and all of the contestants. From the moment I walked into the theater and saw all of the welcoming faces I knew this was a special group of people. Already, they had been there to help me through questions with paper work, making sure I was organized, and keeping all of us girls calm, cool and collected! I knew that if I was given the honor of a title Sunday night my life would be changed. And that night all I could think about was how truly gracious I felt that the judges saw something in me so that I could move forward and become apart of the Miss Plano Frisco Organization.
Heather, Cassidy, and Erin the final words you left to the board before you gave your titles away were wonderful. Those are the reasons why we are here. All of the comments that you left behind truly reflect you as amazing people and the backbone that holds you up. The three of you are such an example of what a great board of directors the MPFO group is and how each and every one of them has a place in your hearts. This is my hope for this next year as Miss North Texas 2008. Not only to work as hard as I can at my job in preparation for Miss Texas, through my platform, and service but while doing so form relationships that will last a lifetime. These relationships will not only be with the board, but with my new pageant sisters. The new Miss Frisco, Brooks Dennard who always makes me smile, I know we are going to have a blast this year!! I remember the first time I met you when I was 15 years old my first year at Teen Texas... Oh how we bonded backstage!! Those kind of moments I am so looking forward to this year! HOOK ‘EM! Adrianna Nelson the new Miss Plano, I am so excited to get to know you better! I think the three of us are going to be a great group. You seem to be such a sweet classy girl and I am honored to share my year with you and Brooks.
I am not only very excited about my year with the miss titleholders, but also with the cutest teens out there, Lea Miss Teen Frisco and Taylor Miss Teen Plano. The two of you seem like such great girls and I am looking forward to becoming closer with both of you throughout this year. Lea, who took over my second runner up position the next year of Teen Texas! ;) You are so amazing and have such a great voice. I have always admired you so much and couldn't be happier that you will be one of our little sisters! Taylor, I am also am very excited to get to know you more and spend time with you through our year as MPFO girls! We truly do have a wonderful group!

To start off my year I would like to say thank you to Jan for being such an encouragement. I am anxious to start working, and to get to know you and your amazing board that much better. This next year is going to be that of excitement, hard work, and friendships! I can't wait to get started!
(photo of Brittany with Lone Star Princess, Caitlin)