I was recently able to visit the greatest groups of kids. I got to know many different faces and personalities during my day. I went to different classrooms and spoke with little ones from kindergarten all the way through the sixth grade. These are the moments that truly remind me of why I am here and involved with this great organization. My main goal for the afternoon was to educate each and every young person about different types of bullying, respect, how to be a good friend and how not become a bully yourself.

There is a purpose and a lesson to go along with each of these points. I would ask for a few volunteers and have them act out things such as what being confident looks like. I want students to not only learn from me but each other too. We also read a book together, played a question answer game, drew what we thought bullying looked like and completed one of my surveys.

Many students had their own story to tell. I would laugh because as I was talking I could see hands and faces wanting to tell me everything that has happened in their own lives. My platform is not just about a kid stealing another’s lunch money. It confronts real life issues that really impact lives. This is not only for students. Each and every one of us battle forms bullying even if we don’t know it. Bullying can start as young as kindergarten and continue throughout your life. Repercussions of bully can lead to drugs, alcohol, pre marital sex, eating disorders, depression and even suicide. If you take a minute to think about your own life you may remember a time someone said something hurtful to you that has really stuck. That is being bullied. Even newer forms of bullying have evolved. Cyber bullies. It is something that we all face every single day, and with the right mind frame and education we can all relate and help improve this huge issue.

I love speaking to each and every class that I go into. If I could do a million school programs a day I would. These children are at such an impressionable age and it takes the right words and person to mold them in the appropriate direction. I know that I have helped in the molding process to create something beautiful.

Miss North Texas